mardi 25 octobre 2016

Eriberto Gualinga, my people the Sarayaku’s fight against oil and gas

25/10/2016 -

Ecuador was found guilty of granting indigenous Sarayaku land to an oil and gas company. We speak to community member Eriberto Gualinga to find out what has changed since.

It has been four years since the Inter-American Court of Human Rights found Ecuador guilty of granting the ancestral land of the Sarayaku in concession to an oil and gas company. The community of about 1,200 indigenous Kichwa people is situated along the Bobonaza River, in the southern part of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

In 2012, the Court reaffirmed the right of indigenous groups to be consulted on projects that affect their territories, safeguarding the right to land of all communities that have based their economy, culture and religion on their relationship and synergy with nature. In order to discover what has happened ... Read More

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